Classroom Procedures

Azul 4 Classroom Procedures

Mrs. Sullivan and Mrs. Quisenberry

Beginning of Class:

  1. Put your backpack in your locker.
  2. Move your name to the correct spot on the lunch chart.
  3. Sharpen your pencils.
  4. Copy today’s assignments in your agenda. Leave this open on your desk so that Mrs. Sullivan can check for signatures or notes.

Class Rules:

  1. Take responsibility for your words and actions.
  2. Be willing to help others when they need it.
  3. Do your best all of the time.
  4. Do the right thing, even when no one is looking.
  5. Treat other people and their belongings with respect.
  6. Be respectful of the learning environment.


  1. If you choose to disrupt the learning environment, you will be asked to move to a COOL DOWN CORNER. When this happens, immediately and quietly move to a corner of the classroom that is not currently being used.
  2. After a few minutes, Mrs. Sullivan or Mrs. Quisenberry will come talk to you about the choices you made. If you both agree that you are ready to return to the class, you will go back to your seat. If not, you will stay longer.
  3. When you get back to your seat, you must give the teacher your agenda so she can record what happened for your parents. Your parents must sign this when you get home.
  4. If one of your classmates is in a COOL DOWN CORNER, you may not communicate with them in any way. If you do, you will also move to a COOL DOWN CORNER and receive a note in your agenda.


  1. You are an example to younger students. You must show integrity at all timed because someone smaller than you is always watching what you do.
  2. Voices should be silent in the halls.
  3. Always walk on the right side of the hallway in a straight line with your classmates.
  4. Show respect for students, student work, and  bulletin boards. Keep your hands off.
  5. Stay with the rest of the class. Do not stop to get a drink or go to the bathroom unless you have permission to do so.


Please try to use the restroom during a scheduled break. Restroom passes will be given as needed, but should not be abused.


  1. You will have a snack break every morning. Please bring healthy snacks that will help you stay focused and alert.
  2. You may keep a water bottle at your desk throughout the day. Please make sure it has a pop-top lid to prevent spills.

End of the day:

  1. Clean up the your area on top of and around your desk, including the floor.
  2. When Mrs. Quisenberry directs you, get your backpack and return to your seat to pack up.
  3. When directed, stack your chair.
  4. Stay quiet during the dismissal announcements so everyone can hear this information.
  5. As you leave, make sure to give Mrs. Quisenberry a high five, hug, or handshake.



  1. You are expected to read by yourself at home for at least 100 minutes each week (20 minutes each night). You and your parents need to record the name of your book, the number of pages you read and the amount of time you spent reading in your agenda.
  2. Whenever you have homework, it is due when you first get to class in the morning. All homework should be turned into the TURN-IN tray.


In order to have a successful 4th grade year, you need to be at school and  on time. If you are absent, you miss valuable instruction time and conversation. If you know you will be absent in advance, please let your teachers know so they can get all your work ready for you before you leave.

When you miss school unexpectedly:

  1. Your work will be ready by 3:00. Your parents can come pick it up, or you can get it the day you return to school.
  2. Your make-up work is due 2 days after you return to school. Please turn it in at the beginning of the day it is due.

Class Participation:

  1. It is incredibly important for you to participate in class discussion. You have valuable opinions and perceptions that need to be heard. Remember to raise your hand and wait quietly to be called on.
  2. If you have questions, please ask! Someone78 else may be wondering about the same thing. The only bad question is the one never asked.
  3. For circle time, only one person may speak at a time, you do not have to raise your hand during this time. Make eye contact with the person you are addressing. Your opinion should be voiced in a kind and respectful way at all times.




Each week a boy and a girl will get to be helpers with several tasks. When it is your turn for the week, you will:

In the morning:

  1. Complete all beginning procedures.
  2. Get a lunch slip and record the lunch count.
  3. Put an ABSENT folder on any absent student’s desk.
  4. Take the slip to Mrs. Sullivan to double-check and then place it on the clip outside the door.
  5. When you have a free moment, check the turn in basket for papers. Sort them by subject and put them in order by student number.
  6. Throughout the day if you g on an errand, take the pass and stay together.

In the afternoon:

  1. Move all lunch numbers back to where they started.
  2. Remind the teacher to print out the agenda for any absent students and staple the agenda to the papers we completed during the day. Make sure the absent folder is ready to go.

Guests: Throughout the year we will have several different guests visiting the classroom for a variety of reasons. When a guest comes in:

  1. Continue working as you normally would.  The helpers will politely answer the door, greet the guest, and explain what the class is doing.
  2. Show the guest respect. Be polite and respect their space.


  1. If you feel ill, raise your hand and ask for a pass to see the nurse.
  2. If you are about to throw up, go immediately to the restroom. In an emergency, you do not need permission to take a pass.


You will have an incentive chart on your desk. You can earn stickers for demonstrating character rings. When you reach a certain amount, you get to pick from the treasure chest!

5=Small prize

10=Medium prize

15= Large prize

20= Drink from Sonic